Medication for Stress and Anxiety - Better Fixes

There are many doctors who now recommend medication for stress and anxiety. Anxiety can be considered a ‘catch-all' term that covers a number of conditions which result in worry and nervous feelings.

When you find that you are worrying over every little detail of life you may need to seek help to overcome your problems.

Of course everyone will have an occasional stressful time or suffer from anxiety and worries.

Stress or Anxiety

There are major differences in minor episodes of stress or anxiety.

Perhaps you may fret about your family budget or be concerned over grades or making it to work on time. These are perfectly normal events and as self-limiting episodes of mild stress and anxiety these events should not be causes that require intervention.

It is when these anxieties take over your daily existence that you will find you have lost control and need to get stress relief that is really effective.

A generalized anxiety disorder makes it impossible for an individual to stop their obsession about always expecting the worst scenarios to happen.

When this type of problem is affecting you your mind will constantly be filled with worries about finances, your career, your health and your family.

Mutual Amplification

Anxiety and stress are intertwined and these emotional upheavals. Stress breeds more anxiety and symptoms of anxiety lead to more stressful episodes.

Both stress and anxiety are easily able to create physical ailments and these conditions can overwhelm your body's natural defense mechanisms. 

Medication for stress and anxiety are not always going to be the answer.

Signs and Symptoms

Some of the typical symptoms of anxiety will include such signs as

  • Feeling restless, on edge and unable to relax

  • Unrealistic view of the world

  • Headaches

  • Aching muscles

  • Overstating your personal problems

  • Easily irritated for no reason

  • Constant tension and worry

  • Lack of focus and loss of concentration

  • GI upsets

  • Always feeling tired

  • Nervousness

  • Fidgety

  • Easily upset or easily startled

  • Insomnia

  • Inability to sleep normally-always waking up every few hours

  • Heart palpitations

Problems that Result from Anxiety

Prolonged periods of stress and anxiety can develop into other conditions that include drug and alcohol abuse, phobias, panic disorders, OCD or depression. Even your medication for stress and anxiety can cause additional health problems and dependency over time.

Likewise these emotional conditions are frequently diagnosed as precursors that set the stage for excessive anxiety and stress. It is much like the question of ‘Which came first-the chicken or the egg?'

Anxiety and stress can result in cardiac problems, skin conditions, GI disturbances, nervous tics and other ailments.

In some situations a person with unresolved, severe symptoms of anxiety can eventually suffer from heart attacks, depression, substance abuse, lack of self-esteem and the inability to handle their daily work and family tasks.

Getting to the Root of the Problem

Your individual brain chemistry, personal and professional situation and family genetic history are all factors that help determine how anxiety and stress will play a role in your life.

Even childhood traumas and other highly stressful situations can create scenarios that lead to high levels of anxiety.

Millions of individuals must deal with anxiety and stress but the condition is more frequently diagnosed in females. This has led to the hypothesis that males are simply more adept at hiding their feelings of anxiety.

Instead of using medication for stress and anxiety you can discover more natural methods of stress relief that are effective, affordable and healthy.

You may consider the option of professional counseling. Many patients have overcome these conditions through a multi-faceted approach that includes behavior modification and psychotherapy.

Using Food as a Positive Coping Mechanism

While many people use food as a crutch that supports their unhealthy behaviors there is a positive way to use food instead of medication for stress and anxiety.

You can begin by eliminating those fast food items from your diet. Also get rid of foods that contain high levels of sugars, fats and additives.

Embrace a healthy diet that consists of fresh fruits, veggies and whole grains. These are the types of food that will provide the nutrients your body needs for optimal strength and health.

The changes in your brain and body will be noticeable after just a few weeks and the longer you follow these dietary practices the healthier your mind and body will become.

Techniques that Relieve Stress and Anxiety

  • Deep breathing techniques are a very easy way to discover natural stress relief,

  • Find a hobby that brings you joy and happiness.

  • Procrastination can lead to stress so it is advisable that you learn methods of budgeting your time wisely. Stop putting off projects or assignments until the last minute,

  • Take the time to relax properly; vacations are an important part of life.

  • Meditation can help you relieve those feelings of anxiety.

  • Add daily exercise sessions to your schedule, even if you only have time to take a relaxing walk.

  • Practicing positive thinking can change your life for the better. Instead of focusing on the negatives that do not even exist you can concentrate on the positive aspects of your life and embrace a ‘can-do' attitude that will lead you to success and happiness.

  • Yoga is another helpful technique that allows you to free yourself from stress and anxiety without becoming dependent on medications.


Regardless of how you choose to handle your stress related issues, just be sure that you are addressing the situation in a healthy manner.

Medication for stress and anxiety can be -at best- a preliminary approach towards better coping with life's challenges.

In the fast paced world we live in it can be difficult to admit that you need to take ‘a little time out' and concentrate on yourself for a change.

The truth of the matter is that lowering your stress and anxiety levels is one of the most important things you can do both for yourself and for your family.

Making more wise choices and knowing when to say "no", can go a long way.

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